Stem Cell Hair Restoration
Stem cell therapy has shown to be one of the most effective treats in stimulating hair regrowth. Stem cell therapy for hair loss involves injecting a mixture of stem cells and PRP into the dermal layer of the scalp, where hair follicles originate. Whether the stem cells are derived from your adipose tissue or provided by one of our FDA compliant third-parties is determined on a case by case basis.
Stem cells give the body the natural building blocks for replicating dead or restoring unhealthy cell structures. While PRP alone can increase the follicle count on a scalp, stem cells not only promote the growth of these new cells, they also give the body an ample amount of material to construct these new cells.
What Are Stem Cells?
Stem cells are the precursor cells in the body that have the ability to differentiate or change into all other types of cells that make up our tissues. By injecting stem cells into specific treatment areas, new cell structures can begin to develop to restore the natural 3-dimensional balance of the scalp. The stem cells attach to old cell structures and mimic their chemistry. They also promote volume restoration of aged tissues. Specifically, scalp stem cell injections help to ease away anchor points in the skin and restore the hair follicles.
Another added benefit of stem cell therapy for hair loss is that the effects continue throughout the year after the initial procedure. While results typically can take 3-6 months to show, these results increase as time goes on. As stem cells form new cell structures, these reinvigorated structures begin to affect the cells around them. As more cells adopt the new, healthy structure, results become more and more apparent.