Metatarsalgia Treatment
A non-invasive, naturally regenerative metatarsalgia treatment without surgery.
A non-invasive, naturally regenerative metatarsalgia treatment without surgery.
We have 60 Years of Combined Experience & Over 30,000 Procedures Performed
Metatarsalgia is an inflammatory condition on the ball of your foot. It is most common as an overuse condition but can also be caused by ill-fitting and poorly-made shoes or birth deformities around the area. If you regularly apply pressure by walking, jumping or standing on the forefront of your feet and toes, and it is suddenly painful to stand on your feet, your doctor may very well diagnose you with Metatarsalgia.
The most well-known symptoms of Metatarsalgia are a sharp pain or burning in the front of your foot, which worsens when you start walking, running or just by standing. Even though your pain is centered around the ball of your foot or shooting through your Achilles tendons, it is not unusual to experience a numbness or uncomfortable tingling in your toes when you stand.
Rare and extreme cases of treating Metatarsalgia require a reconstructive surgery of the surrounding bones, but the vast majority of cases are treated from upgraded footwear, arch support and resting. But for pain that is more severe or lasts longer than the projected 6-8 week recovery without procedures, that time can easily be extended by doing the most minimal activities too early.
Most treatments of the condition are very minimal but not always permanent, and not all ‘permanent’ solutions are without invasive surgeries. However, a PRP or Stem Cell Therapy treatment is the definitive solution to both.
Due to their natural ability to transform into any other type of cell, stem cells can be taken not only from your own body, but from a different person (likely, the umbilical cord), and transplanted into your problem area. The cells will adapt and take on a different “form” as if they were there since the beginning.
Stem cells can be concentrated and activated. While many types of stem cells are a good starting point for practical use, it is the concentration and activation of the cells that has truly made it an effective therapy. Certified practitioners are able to tweak these cells to address exactly the problem you are facing.
How Does It Work?
Platelet Rich Plasma is astoundingly simple in concept; your doctor or medical technician inject a laboratory made concentration that is created from your own blood. That is right, your own blood. Essentially, PRP is a specialized healing plasma.
The benefits of Platelet Rich Plasma will have you feeling completely revitalized, as it is your own natural plasma, which has had the most platelet-dense part of your blood, added back into it. The result is a highly-charged infusion of plasma with a particularly high content of platelets.
How Does It Work?
Any examination of applying pressure to the problem area of the foot will show if that causes pain (also known as the Morton’s test), but to test positive for Metatarsalgia, your doctor will perform an ultrasound or MRI to navigate the cause of your pain. This is because a close examination of the foot, while effective for swelling and inflammation, cannot detect the causes or underlying conditions.
Through a Cellaxys stem cell or PRP procedure, your recovery time is greatly reduced compared to surgery, your full range of motion will be completely restored and you are likely to start walking comfortably right after your procedure is finished. To prepare for your treatment, it is best to keep your cells full of rich nutrients through a well balanced diet and proper hydration. The procedure simply collects your revitalizing stem cells from your fat tissue and strategically transplants them using an advanced vision technology to pinpoint the exact location of where the cells are needed.
Your recovery from your regenerative procedure will be swift and painless if you continue to get rest, drink plenty of fluids and ease back into your lifestyle over the following four weeks. Many patients have reported pain relief within the first week, but an ideal schedule of two weeks of rest and non-strenuous activity followed by two weeks of physical therapy to get everything back to normal.
“I am pain-free. I could resume activities that I wasn’t
able to do for a while and I never dreamed I could get to that level
again.” – Julie Ingleston
“My injections were done about 3 years ago and I found no reversal of the improvement, the pain continues to be gone.” – Bob Kendzior
“Running 40 miles on my 40th birthday after destroying my knee is a huge blessing for me.” – Brian Plaster
“Dr. Otten extended my career for about 4-5 year.” – Evan Dunham