ACL Tear Treatment
A non-invasive, naturally regenerative ACL tear treatment without surgery.
A non-invasive, naturally regenerative ACL tear treatment without surgery.
We have 60 Years of Combined Experience & Over 30,000 Procedures Performed
The ACL is one of the two ligaments in the middle of your knee. It connects your shinbone (tibia) to your thigh bone to stabilize your joint and maintain balance. ACL injuries are common among athletes and gym enthusiasts who put lots of stress on their knees every day. The major causes of ACL tears include awkward landing on the ground, pivoting while putting pressure on the knee, cutting (slowing down and then suddenly changing direction), sudden change in movements, and an unexpected trauma or injury to the knee.
ACL tears show up with restricted or painful motion. You may also feel a loud “popping” sensation in your knee when walking, running, or performing different activities. The pain can become so severe that you may be unable to perform activities. Many people also experience instability and swelling in their knee area.
Whenever you suspect an ACL injury, seek medical care to determine the cause of your tears. The first-hand ACL tear treatment includes practicing R.I.C.E. (rest, icing, compression, and elevation). These exercises usually relieve pain, and the tears heal on their own. A physical therapist will also help you perform muscle-strengthening exercises under their supervision. Wearing a brace and using crutches also help stabilize your knee. But if the conservative care doesn’t work, you may have to undergo surgery.
Due to their natural ability to transform into any other type of cell, stem cells can be taken not only from your own body, but from a different person (likely, the umbilical cord), and transplanted into your problem area. The cells will adapt and take on a different “form” as if they were there since the beginning.
Stem cells can be concentrated and activated. While many types of stem cells are a good starting point for practical use, it is the concentration and activation of the cells that has truly made it an effective therapy. Certified practitioners are able to tweak these cells to address exactly the problem you are facing.
How Does It Work?
Platelet Rich Plasma is astoundingly simple in concept; your doctor or medical technician inject a laboratory made concentration that is created from your own blood. That is right, your own blood. Essentially, PRP is a specialized healing plasma.
The benefits of Platelet Rich Plasma will have you feeling completely revitalized, as it is your own natural plasma, which has had the most platelet-dense part of your blood, added back into it. The result is a highly-charged infusion of plasma with a particularly high content of platelets.
How Does It Work?
During the physical test, your doctor will evaluate your knee for tenderness and swelling and compare your uninjured knee with the injured one. They will also move your knee in various positions to assess the range of motion and functioning. Often, physical exams alone are enough to diagnose your condition, but the doctor may also perform imaging tests to determine the severity of your ACL tear. X-rays, MRIs, and ultrasounds are the common tests that help the doctor view your ACL ligament and decide the proper treatment.
ACL tears cause severe pain and disability in the knee joint, forcing many to seek immediate medical help. You should book an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon or physiatrist to check your knee. Avoid lifting heavy weights as soon as you start feeling knee pain, and remember your key information and medical history on the day of the appointment.
The ACL tears treatment starts with many weeks of rehabilitation, which can continue for about six to nine months. The purpose of rehabilitation is to reduce pain and swelling and restore your knee’s range of motion. Rehabilitation will take away stress from your knees and strengthen them.
“I am pain-free. I could resume activities that I wasn’t
able to do for a while and I never dreamed I could get to that level
again.” – Julie Ingleston
“My injections were done about 3 years ago and I found no reversal of the improvement, the pain continues to be gone.” – Bob Kendzior
“Running 40 miles on my 40th birthday after destroying my knee is a huge blessing for me.” – Brian Plaster
“Dr. Otten extended my career for about 4-5 year.” – Evan Dunham